First treatment of 2017

As I mentioned I was undertaking a concerted schedule of treatments this year with a view to tackling particular issues and to make sure that I am on top of whatever is going on in my body – something I have been a bit remiss at in the last few years. I had my first treatment of the new year last week and here is my report of it. 

Some of you will know that about 5 years ago I fell and broke my right knee and tore all the muscles around it. I got it x-rayed (having driven myself to the hospital!) to make sure it was broken and they confirmed the knee cap had a nice big split in it! I had broken the exact same knee in the same place about 20 years before so it was super painful. I didn’t seek any other medical treatment as there is not much that can be done for a broken knee. As it happens the injury coincided with me finishing up working at Tir na nOg and taking 3 months to write up my Masters dissertation. During that time I was only able to hobble about at home and was in a lot of pain. The write up took 6 months rather than 3 and by that time I was experiencing greatly reduced movement and a lot of pain.  I didn’t seek any treatments at that time as I opened The Little Yellow Therapy Centre and had to get on with things. At the time I lived 2 streets away from the shop and it would take me 20 minutes to walk there – the pain was ever present and as I had put on weight too it wasn’t fun.

Fast forward about a year and I was getting there slowly and as I had to walk my dog every day I was getting out and about, albeit slowly. As my knee got better I heard about Kinetic Chain Release KCR and had a session. It was like a miracle when I got off the bed after that first treatment – I was in much less pain and could put my feet flat on the ground for the first time in nearly 2 years – the broken one had been turning out up to that point. That first treatment lasted about 2 weeks and so I had another and so it continued until I was almost pain free. Now I am sure the Universe had something to tell me because almost about the same time I fell and tore the quads on my other knee and now I was in more agony.

I waited to have any treatments until the muscles had repaired somewhat and had Bowen and then Acupuncture both of which helped. And then for some reason I just got used to living with painful knees and not being able to walk for long distances  – it is amazing what we will normalise in our lives when we are not paying attention.

Fast forward to last October (2016) and I was in so much pain I went to my friend Lynne for KCR and it made everything much worse – what was happening. Now as a therapist I trust the body first and everything else second and so I knew my body was doing what it needed to. Just before Christmas I had another 2 treatments of KCR as I was not able to sleep due to the pain in my knees and even if I did sleep I woke in agony.

So for 2017 I decided that I needed to tackle the things my body was screaming out at me about and so KCR will be one of my staple treatments and my first was last week.


I went to Lynne Crow of Black Crow Holistics as I know her well and I love how she works. She has a lovely therapy room attached to her home in Dunning, which is about 11 miles from Perth on the A9 and super easy to get to and park at. She showed me into the room which was cosy which is necessary for body work. KCR is a protocol which means it is carried out the same each time and on each person. The treatment is carried out fully clothed between a therapy bed and a chair and there is a bit of to-ing and fro-ing for the client, but this doesn’t stop it being relaxing. I would advise that you wear something comfortable and easy to move about in.

Lynne will explain what she needs you to do and there is a natural flow to the therapy and you never feel that you are not being well looked after. She also checks regularly if you want her to continue with the treatment or particular move to ensure you are comfortable and in control at all times.

The moves themselves are sometimes almost undetectable and at other times very present and can be sore – but remember this – pain is nothing more than a messenger and so it tells the therapist something and it tells you something and should be welcomed when it presents itself as it empowers us to change.

While I was lying on the therapy bed and Lynne was working on my legs one of the vertebrae in my back ‘popped’ and I jumped and then laughed because it was the oddest sensation. Not at all sore just weird yet almost immediately I felt more at ease and warmer in my back, and I don’t even have back problems. I was also aware that my neck was being worked and felt amazing at the end of the treatment and it had been niggly for a couple of days for some reason. 

At the end of the treatment I felt lighter and I felt that my right knee, in particular, was pain free and I was able to slip my feet into my shoes without pulling them on. I have slept really well since then and my ankles have not swollen up at night which can often happen. I have almost no pain since Friday and not been woken up by the pain at all. I will be making monthly/6 weekly appointments with Lynne and will use KCR to maintain my body health and help to prevent my establishing bad habits and bad posture.  

There are lots of people now doing KCR and you can get info on what it is and where to find a therapist on the website HERE.

If you would like to see Lynne then you can check out here website, her facebook page or you can call her on 07740 507 380

Next I am off for a much overdue Reflexology session on the 18th and I cannot wait for that – till then x

Jacq x