Well as promised to myself I went for my second treatment of the month and this time I had chosen Reflexology. Now for some reason other therapists don’t always want to do Reflexology on me and I have no idea why. As soon as someone touches my feet I am relaxing and enjoying the treatment – not checking out your moves or comparing our sequences as some have said lol.
I am really choosy about who treats me and who touches my body and I sometimes wish the general public were a bit more choosy too. Last year I had to register with a new doctor and I checked him out on his own website and checked that he was registered with the General Medical Council. I told him this and he was greatly amused, but why wouldn’t I check him out? I only take my car to a mechanic on word of mouth recommendation so why would I be any less choosy with my body? However, I am lucky that I know loads of therapists and for me the number one choice for Reflexology is Heidi Grillo from Mandala Flow in Edinburgh. We went to Uni together and ran our first business together but that is not why I went to her. I went to her because I know how passionate she is about her work, how much she loves working with people, how she understands her limitations as well as her capabilities and I know that above all else she will put me at the centre of her treatment. For me these are the important factors, you may have different ones but please be choosy about who you see.
As I live in Glasgow I had paired my treatment up with a client visit to Linlithgow and then a later client visit in Edinburgh so as to maximise my time – a continual habit of the self-employed ha!
I had earlier that morning noticed a pain in my lower jaw radiating under my chin and when pressed became painful under a large molar that needed some dental treatment, so before my client I called the dentist and got an emergency appointment for the following day. I had resolved not to mention this to Heidi to see if she picked anything up during the treatment.
On arriving at Mandala Flow, which is convenient for the city centre and on great bus routes, I parked the car around the corner and went into the shop. Heidi was immediately there with a hug and a smile – Heidi staples – and then another woman walked towards me hand outstretched with a warm smile as Heidi introduced her as Katie Sparkles (I never did get her real name lol). As she shook my hand she commented that I had a lovely energy and I thought she did too and was taken by how relaxed and welcoming the place was. It is last summer since I was there and I was there teaching so was on my own with students – this was such a lovely welcome and a vibrant one too which is so lovely to see from a therapy centre, which can often be quiet and hushed places.
Heidi did a consultation with me as we have not seen each other in a while and asked general questions like ‘give me an idea of what your wellbeing is’ but don’t be fooled there is nothing general about these questions! I never mentioned the mouth pain and once on the bed and the cream applied to my tootsies the very next thing Heidi said to me was ‘so what is going on with your jaw?’ and there you have it ladies and gentlemen – 25 seconds it took her to find the pain !!!! As a therapist it is so exciting for me to see other people work holistically. Now that word has been over used in the last few years but this is true holistic working. Heidi does work from a very energetic approach so I was not at all surprised she picked up on it – and was delighted that once again the feet, and Reflexology, had shown their amazing potential.
The treatment was amazing, although I really did lie back and let her get on with it – I have no idea what she was doing I just enjoyed it and trusted that she would ask if there was anything she needed to know. She picked up on a couple of other things and then it was over! Just like that it was time to go! I have booked in for next month because I believe I can really benefit from regular reflexology – just like I am always telling my clients.
Now if that was all there was to tell it would be good enough but, of course, there is more. The following day I managed to start a 3 day ‘clear out’ and that manifested itself physically, emotionally and mentally and resulted in my staying in bed till lunchtime. Then on the fourth day I had a clear out at home too. Two trips to the dump, rearranged my living room, bedroom and kitchen, threw out things that had been lying around needing a decision, threw out old and useless things that had been taking up too much space and then also a clear out of stuck energy, beliefs and rules I had been holding on to. I did a meditation and then a self-hypnosis to help with this – and every single person who has come into the house since then has commented on how ‘open and clear’ it feels.
I love reflexology, I love Heidi and I love that I am going back next month!
To check out Madala Flow see their website or facebook page or call in to 16 Rodney Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4EA and to book in for an appointment call them on 0131 283 9869